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[EPS] Infographic Vector Kit mightydeals.com 2013. 4. 17.
[EPS] 16 Vector Weather Icon Freebies Weather Icon Freebies http://pixelsdaily.com/resources/icons-resources/16-vector-weather-icon-freebies/ 2013. 4. 10.
[ICON] Pixelated Icon Set http://www.tripwiremagazine.com/2013/03/cool-icon-font-sets.html 2013. 4. 8.
[ICON] Climacons : Climate Pictographs Many of the icons have a second design option, and any cloud-based icons have three states: plain, day and night giving you more options than you can shake a stick at. http://adamwhitcroft.com 2013. 4. 7.
[ICON] Free Icons batch Each icon in the Batch PSD is a single shape layer, meaning they can be scaled up—or down—without loss of quality. http//adamwhitcroft.com 2013. 4. 7.
[ICON] Metrize Icons Free Collection of 300 Metro-Style Icons for Designers and Developers created by Alessio Atzeni. http://www.alessioatzeni.com/metrize-icons 2013. 4. 7.
[PSD] Free Handy icons Vol.1 http://wegraphics.net/downloads/handy-icons-webfont-kit/ Vol.2 http://freebiesbug.com/fonts-patterns/handy-icons-vol-2-free-psd/ 2013. 3. 31.
[PSD] Flat iMac & Macbook Air PSD mockups [freebiesbug] freebiesbug.com http://freebiesbug.com/psd-freebies/flat-imac-macbook-air-psd-mockups/ 2013. 3. 30.
[PSD] Music Widget [365psd] 365psd.com Music Widget Mini Player Music Player Widget Custom Music Player Micro Music Player Mini Music Player Progress Bar Minimicons – Music Edition Album Cover and Tooltip Audio Player with Album Cover Artwork Photos, Video, and Audio Icons 2013. 3. 30.